CentraSite 10.11 | CentraSite Administrator’s Guide | Configuring CentraSite | Docker Configuration | CentraSite License for Docker Image | Using a new image containing the new license file
Using a new image containing the new license file
You can create your own image containing a license file for the CentraSite Registry Repository container.
To create your own image containing a license file for the CentraSite Registry Repository container, perform the following steps:
1. Create a file named Dockerfile with the following content:
*FROM crrimage
*COPY newlicense.xml /opt/softwareag/CentraSite/lkey/newlicense.xml
2. Start the container with the environment variable SAG_INM_LICENSE_FILE and run the following docker run command:
docker run -d -p 53313:53313 -e ACCEPT_EULA=Y -e
SAG_INM_LICENSE_FILE=/opt/softwareag/CentraSite/lkey/newlicense.xml --name
crrcontainer <newimagename>