CentraSite 10.11 | CentraSite Developer's Guide | Application Framework | Association Types
Association Types
In general, registry objects can be related to each other via associations. An association belongs to a specified association type. CentraSite supports predefined association types, such as HasParent and Uses; in addition, you can create custom association types.
In CentraSite, an association type is uniquely identified by its value (for example: HasParent, Uses, etc.). The value is specified when the association type is created, it cannot be subsequently modified.
An association type can optionally have one or more locale-specific display names. If no locale-specific display names are specified, the association type's value is used by default.
Each association type has a forward label, this is shown, for example, when a corresponding association is displayed by the impact analysis.
You can optionally specify a backward label. Multiple association types can share forward and backward labels.
The CentraSite Application Framework type management feature provides methods for creating, updating, deleting, and finding association types.
Usage Sample for Association Type Management
// Get a sessionContext instance
SessionContext sessionContext = initSessionContext();
// Get a TypeManager instance from sessionContext
TypeManager tm = sessionContext.getTypeManager();
AssociationType at = tm.createAssociationType(
"MyAssociationType", "MyDisplayName", "MyForwardLabel",
"MyBackwardLabel", Locale.EN);
// find an association type by its value
AssociationType myAssociationType = tm.getAssociationType("MyAssociationType");
// find an association type by its display name
myAssociationType = tm.getAssociationTypeByName("MyDisplayName");
// add a display name with a different locale
myAssociationType.setName("MonNom", Locale.FRENCH);
// delete an association type