Business Rules 10.7 | webMethods Business Rules Web Help | webMethods Business Rules Reference | Functions | Summary of List and Range Functions | boolean inRange(Long lowerBound, Long upperBound)
boolean inRange(Long lowerBound, Long upperBound)
Indicates whether or not this integer (long, integer, short) value is within the specified range. The checking is inclusive, meaning that the lower and upper bound of the range will be tested for the long value.
The long data type is a 64-bit two's complement integer. The signed long has a minimum value of -263 and a maximum value of 263-1. Long, integer and short data types can be passed as arguments to the function. The inRange function is overloaded and supports other numeric ranges such as double and float. To ensure that the correct signature is invoked, make sure that the proper numeric syntax is used (no decimal for integer, decimal for floating point).
Input Parameters
Integer The lower bound of the range to check against (inclusive).
Integer The upper bound of the range to check against (inclusive).
Return Value
Boolean Returns true if this integer exists within the specified range, false otherwise.