webMethods Business Rules 10.5 | webMethods Business Rules Web Help | Working with Business Rules in My webMethods | About this Guide
About this Guide
Working with Business Rules in My webMethods is for users of My webMethods who want to modify rule projects that were exported from Software AG Designer to the My webMethods Server repository.
Business Rules are created with the Rules Development feature in Software AG Designer. For more information, see webMethods BPM Rules Development Help.
Working with Business Rules in My webMethods contains supporting documentation on the following main topics:
*Getting Started.
*Rules Development Terminology.
*Understanding the User Interface.
*Modifying Rule Projects Overview.
*Working with Decision Tables.
*Working with Decision Trees.
*Working with Event Rules.
*Global Functions Overview.
*Rule Verification Overview.
*Hot Deploying Rule Projects to Integration Server.
*Hot Deploying and Merging Rule Projects with webMethods Deployer.
*Working with Expressions.
*Using CSV Import.
With respect to processing of personal data according to the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), appropriate steps are documented in webMethods BPM Rules Development Help, Processing Personal Data.

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