webMethods Business Rules 10.5 | webMethods Business Rules Web Help | Working with Business Rules in My webMethods | Working with Decision Tables | Modifying a Decision Table | Filtering Rules
Filtering Rules
You can specify which rules of a decision table should be displayed.
Note: Any selected rules are deselected when you modify the filter.
* To filter the rules to be displayed:
1. Open the decision table as described in Opening a Decision Entity.
2. Lock the decision table as described in Locking a Decision Entity.
3. Do one of the following:
a. In the toolbar, enter a text in the filter, and press ENTER.
Important: When filtering rules with the text filter, the data in hidden columns is ignored. If any hidden column contains filtered data, a warning message is displayed.
b. In the toolbar, click The filter drop-down menu icon in the filter, and select a user, a group, or a role from the drop-down list.
4. To restore all rules, click The delete filter text icon in the filter.

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