webMethods Business Rules 10.5 | webMethods Business Rules Web Help | webMethods Rules Development Help | Working with Event Rules | Modifying an Event Rule Result | Adding a Literal Value
Adding a Literal Value
You can add a literal value to an assignment result value cell.
* To add a literal value:
1. Open the event rule as described in Opening a Decision Entity.
2. Click the assignment result value cell you want to modify.
3. Modify the required value info as explained in the following table:
Note: The literal value must match the data type as specified in About Data Type Assignment.
For this data type
You can do this
Select true or false from the drop down list.
a. Click the Calendar icon.
b. Select a date from the calendar.
c. To select a time of day, click the Clock icon (optional).
Note: The default time is 00:00:00 PM.
d. Drag and drop the clock hands.
e. To switch between AM and PM, click the respective symbol.
f. Click The confirm icon.
Type a literal value.
Type a literal value.
4. Press ENTER.

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