webMethods Business Rules 10.5 | webMethods Business Rules Web Help | webMethods Business Rules Reference | Services | Summary of WmBusinessRules Built-in Services | pub.businessrules.client:invoke
WmBusinessRules. Executes a rule set or decision table and returns the results of execution.
Input Parameters
Project Name
String Name of the rule project that contains the rule set or decision table that you want to execute.
Note: The rule project that contains the rule set or decision table that you want to execute must be deployed on Integration Server.
Invocation Target
String Name of the rule set or decision table that you want to execute.
Specify one of the following:
Define a rule set.
Define a decision table.
Define a decision tree.
Create Missing Inputs
Boolean Optional. Creates an empty input parameter without input values if no input parameter is specified for the rule set or decision table. Set to:
*true if missing inputs should be created. This is the default.
*false if missing inputs should not be created.
Document Defines the input parameters for the rule set or decision table.
Note: The generic invoke service pub.businessrules.client:genericInvoke that is included in the WmBusinessRules package demonstrates how to specify inputs.
[Input Parameter Name]
Document Defines the input parameter elements and their values.
Fact IData
Parameter instance at runtime.
Desired Outputs
Document List Optional. Defines a list of output parameters that you want the service execution to return.
Note: If no output parameters are specified, all output parameters of the Invocation Target are returned. If a specified output parameter does not exist, the specified output parameter is ignored.
Output Parameters
Document Defines the output parameters returned by the rule set or decision table.
[Output Parameter Name]
Document Defines the output parameter elements and their values.
Fact IData
Parameter instance at runtime.
Usage Note
Dragging and dropping a rule set or decision entity from the Rules Explorer view to a flow service inserts an invoke step that calls the pub.businessrules.client:invoke into the flow service. Software AG Designer specifies the Project Name and Invocation Target values automatically based on the rule set or decision entity dragged into the flow service. Software AG Designer creates the input parameters under Service In > Inputs and the outputs parameters under Service Out > Outputs automatically based on the input and output parameters of the rule set or decision table dragged into the flow service.

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