webMethods Business Rules 10.5 | webMethods Business Rules Web Help | webMethods Business Rules Reference | Rules-Related Event Types | Summary of Rules-Related Event Types
Summary of Rules-Related Event Types
Business Rules provides predefined event types as listed in the following table:
Event Type
Emitted On
Decision Table Changed
My webMethods Server
Is triggered when a difference is detected between two equally named decision tables.
Event Rule Changed
My webMethods Server
Is triggered when a difference is detected between two equally named event rules.
Hot Deployment Started
My webMethods Server
Is triggered when you start to hot deploy a rule project from My webMethods Server to Integration Server.
Project Deleted
My webMethods Server
Is triggered when a rule project is deleted from My webMethods Server.
Project Imported
My webMethods Server
Is triggered when a rule project is imported to My webMethods Server.
Project Exported
My webMethods Server
Is triggered when a rule project is exported or downloaded from My webMethods Server to the file system.
Project Deployed
Integration Server
Is triggered when a rule project is deployed on Integration Server.
Project Undeployed
Integration Server
Is triggered when a rule project is undeployed from Integration Server.

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