Business Rules 10.11 | webMethods Business Rules Web Help | webMethods Rules Development Help | Rules Development Overview | Before You Use Rules Development
Before You Use Rules Development
You must install and configure several Software AG products, before you can use Software AG Designer for Rules Development. For complete information about installation, see Installing Software AG Products.
If you upgraded Software AG Designer, you must upgrade all outdated rule projects before you can work with them, see Upgrading Software AG Products On Premises.
*To create and locally test business rules using the Rules Development feature of Software AG Designer:
*Software AG Designer with the Rules Development feature must be installed.
*Software AG Designer must be configured to have network access to Integration Server to import document types. For more information, see webMethods Service Development Help.
*To export and deploy rule projects to the Integration Server that is used as runtime environment:
*WmBusinessRules package must be installed on Integration Server.
*Software AG Designer must be configured to have network access to Integration Server. For more information, see webMethods Service Development Help.
*You must have a valid license that includes the functionality you want to work with. For more information, see About Rules Development Licenses.
*To exchange rule projects with the My webMethods Server repository:
*The Business Rules UI must be installed on My webMethods Server. This creates the folder in which the rule projects are stored (My webMethods Applications\webMethods Application Data\Rule Projects).
*Proper user access rights to the repository must be configured on My webMethods Server. For more information, see Working with Business Rules in My webMethods, Administering My webMethods Server.
*Software AG Designer must be configured to have network access to the My webMethods Server repository, see Configuring a My webMethods Server Repository Connection.
*To exchange rule project metadata with CentraSite:
*CentraSite integration plugin must be installed. For more information, see Installing Software AG Products.
*Software AG Designer must be configured to have network access to CentraSite. For more information, see CentraSite Developer’s Guide.
*To work with predictive analytics actions:
*Apama Predictive Analytics Plug-in must be installed on Integration Server. For more information, see Installing Software AG Products.
*WmPredictiveAnalytics package must be installed on Integration Server. To install the package, follow the instructions as described in Integration Server Package for Zementis. The package must be configured to have access to a server on which the Apama Predictive Analytics Plug-in is running. To configure the package, follow the instructions as described in Integration Server Package for Zementis.
*Software AG Designer must be configured to have network access to Integration Server. For more information, see webMethods Service Development Help.