Broker 10.5 | webMethods Broker Documentation | Administering webMethods Broker | Working with Test Clients | Publishing Documents with a Test Client | Stopping Publishing by a Test Client
Stopping Publishing by a Test Client
At times, you might want to stop a test client before it completes publishing of all selected documents. For example, you might want to stop publishing if you notice that Broker is not routing any of the published documents to the correct subscribers. You might also want to stop publishing by a test client if you want to use the test client to publish another set of documents. A test client can only publish one set of documents at a time.
*To stop publishing by a test client
1. In My webMethods: Messaging > Broker Server s > Clients.
2. In the Client List, select the test client for which you want to stop document publishing. If the test client does not appear in the list, use the Search tab to locate it.
3. On the Client Details page, in the Client Details Information view, click Test Client View.
4. On the Test Client Details page, click the Outgoing Documents tab.
5. Click Stop Publish.