Broker 10.5 | webMethods Broker Documentation | Administering webMethods Broker | Managing Broker Security | Securing Broker Server Using SSL | Configuring SSL for Broker Server | Loading Keystores and Truststores into My webMethods | Loading Truststores on the Machine Hosting My webMethods Server
Loading Truststores on the Machine Hosting My webMethods Server
Use the following procedure for loading truststores on the machine hosting My webMethods Server.
*To load a truststore (from the file system of the machine hosting My webMethods Server)
1. In My webMethods: Messaging > Settings > SSL Truststore.
2. Click the Add Truststore tab.
3. Type an alias for the truststore in the Truststore Name box.
4. Type the full path name of the truststore in the Truststore File box.
You cannot browse to the truststore if it is located on the My webMethods Server machine; you must know its full-path name.
5. Click Add.