Broker | JMS | Notes |
Name | WMConnectionFactory.setClientGroup() WMConnectionFactory.getClientGroup() | Sets permissions for MessageProducers and MessageConsumers |
Lifecycle | N/A | Setting is overridden by JMS |
Queue Type | N/A | Setting is overridden by JMS |
Encryption level | WMConnectionFactory.setSSLEncrypted() WMConnectionFactory.getSSLEncrypted() | Set encryption level when calling ConnectionFactory. createConnection() |
Access control | Set through the Broker Administrator | |
Can publish | Required for MessageProducer,TopicPublisher, and QueueSender | Topic or Queue Document Type permissions |
Can subscribe | Required for MessageConsumerTopicSubscriber and QueueReceiver | Topic or Queue Document Type permissions |
Log publish | Set through the Broker Administrator | |
Log acknowledge | Set through the Broker Administrator |