The JMS marshalling feature allows you to control the message format of Broker events. The feature provides significant flexibility in mapping JMS messages to and from Broker events generated by native (non-JMS) Broker applications.
The webMethods Broker used a JMS provider’s WmMessageProducer and WmMessageConsumer classes use the marshalling interfaces to convert JMS messages to and from Broker events. JMS clients using marshalling supply implementations of the interfaces. You can implement marshalling in one direction or in both directions (JMS message to Broker event, or Broker event to JMS message).
The following figure illustrates the message flow in JMS marshalling. For outbound marshalling, the message flow is as follows:
1. A JMS client sends a JMS message to a message producer.
2. The message producer hands off the JMS message to the outbound marshaller.
3. The outbound marshaller maps the JMS message to a Broker event.
4. The Broker event is handed back to the message producer, and is sent to the Broker.
For inbound marshalling, the message flow is as follows:
1. The message consumer receives the Broker event.
2. The message consumer hands off the Broker event to the inbound marshaller.
3. The inbound marshaller maps the Broker event to a JMS message.
4. The inbound marshaller hands back the JMS message to the message consumer.
5. A JMS client receives the JMS message that was marshalled.