Broker 10.5 | webMethods Broker Documentation | Administering webMethods Broker | Using My webMethods with JMS | Managing Connection Factories
Managing Connection Factories
Viewing the List of Connection Factories
Viewing the Detailed Information About Connection Factories
Adding Connection Factories
Modifying Connection Factories
Deleting Connection Factories
This section describes the management of connection factories. Connection factories can belong to several categories:
*Generic connection factories that allow their type (topic or queue) to be determined at application run time vs. connection factories whose type is predetermined.
*Connection factories for standalone JMS messaging applications vs. JMS applications running under application servers (XA connection factories). Only XA connection factories contain built-in support for transactions.
The steps in this section assume that you have already specified the JNDI provider and Broker with which to associate a connection factory and its configuration settings. If you have not done so, see Managing JNDI Naming Directories.
When naming JMS objects and subcontexts in an LDAP environment, you must include a prefix, such as cn= (common name), or ou= (organizational unit). My webMethods simplifies the use of LDAP service providers by allowing you to refer to object and context names without a prefix. If you do not supply a prefix, My webMethods automatically adds a default prefix.
Before you create or modify a connection factory or destination, make sure the Broker that will store the JMS provider's configuration settings is started. The Broker does not have to be started to view or remove a JMS administered object once that object is created.