Broker 10.5 | webMethods Broker Documentation | webMethods Broker Administration Java API Programmer’s Guide | Managing Broker Clusters | Using Cluster Gateways | Creating and Destroying Cluster Gateways
Creating and Destroying Cluster Gateways
The BrokerAdminClient.createClusterGateway method creates a cluster gateway to the specified cluster by having this Broker communicate with the remote Broker specified by broker_host and broker_name.
You must provide the following arguments to this method:
*The name of the remote Broker's cluster
*The name of the host where the remote Broker is running
*The name of the remote Broker that will act as the other endpoint of the gateway
A cluster gateway consists of two endpoints, so this function must be invoked for both endpoints before the gateway activation is complete. Failure to activate both ends of the gateway will result in the gateway being in an incomplete state.
You can use the BrokerAdminClient.destroyClusterGateway method to destroy one endpoint of a cluster gateway. You must provide the following arguments to this method:
*The name of the cluster whose gateway is to be destroyed
*Name of the Broker to which this gateway is connected in the specified cluster
A cluster gateway consists of two endpoints, so this function must be invoked for both endpoints before the gateway destruction is complete.