Importing Territory Gateway Information
Use the following procedure to import territory gateway information.
To import territory gateway information
1. In My webMethods: Messaging > Broker Territories > Territories.
2. On the Territories page, click Import.
3. On the Territory Import page, check to see whether the export file content is listed. If the file is not listed, do the following:
a. Click Upload File.
b. On the Import Territory page, click Browse and select the XML file to import.
4. In the Territory Import list, locate the territory that includes the gateway configuration information you want to import.
If you want to select dependent objects to include or exclude, expand the node for the territory and check the boxes for the objects to include.
5. Make sure the box for Gateways, or one of its dependent nodes, is selected, as well as the territory object to which the gateway belongs.
You must select the territory object for the selected gateway(s).
6. The Target column provides links that allow you to set or change the location of the imported metadata.
If the text in the
Target column for the territory reads
No target specified, specify a location for the import operation by first clicking
Change Target.If a location is already specified, changing the location is optional.
7. If you selected Change Target, do one of the following on the Territory Import Broker Target page:
If the
Broker Server and
Broker to which you are importing the metadata already exist, select the
Select Broker tab and select a
Target Server Name and
Target Broker Name from their respective lists.
If the
Broker to which you are importing the metadata is new, select the
New Broker tab, select a
Target Server Name, and type the name of the new
Target Broker Name.
8. Click OK.
9. Click Import.