Getting Sequence Field Values
Several functions are provided for obtaining all of the values from a sequence event field, or a subset of the sequence, with a single function call. These functions are described in
You may also use the
awGet<type>Field to obtain a single value from a sequence field by specifying the field name with an index.
The following example shows the use of the
awGetIntegerSeqField function. The function takes the following parameters:
A BrokerEvent reference.
The name of the event sequence field being accessed.
The number of elements to skip from the beginning of the sequence field in the event.
The number of source elements to be retrieved.
An integer where the number of retrieved elements is stored.
The address of a pointer where the values can be stored.
long *count_array;
long num_retrieved;
. . .
err = awGetIntegerSeqField(e, "countSeq", 0, 5,
&num_retrieved, &count_array);
if (err != AW_NO_ERROR) {
printf("Error on getting event sequence field\n%s\n",
return 0;
The manner in which the target array is specified depends on the sequence's type.
Function Name | Value Type |
awGetBooleanSeqField | BrokerBoolean ** |
awGetByteSeqField | char ** |
awGetCharSeqField | char ** |
awGetDateSeqField | BrokerDate ** |
awGetDoubleSeqField | double ** |
awGetFloatSeqField | float ** |
awGetIntegerSeqField | long ** |
awGetLongSeqField | BrokerLong ** |
awGetShortSeqField | short ** |
awGetStringSeqField | char *** |
awGetUCCharSeqField | charUC * |
awGetUCStringSeqField | charUC *** |
You may also use the
awGetSequenceField to obtain the values and type for an event sequence field.
awGetSequenceFieldSize can be used to obtain the number of elements in a particular sequence field.