Event or Editor Type | C Language Type | Description |
byte | char | Signed 8-bit integer. |
short | short | Signed 16-bit integer. |
int | long | Signed 32-bit integer. |
long | BrokerLong | Signed 64-bit integer. |
float | float | Standard-precision floating point number. |
double | double | Double-precision floating point number. |
boolean | BrokerBoolean | 1 (true) or 0 (false), stored as a single byte. |
date | BrokerDate | A structure representing the year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and millisecond. |
string | BrokerString | A string of characters. |
char | char | A single character. |
unicode_char | charUC | A Unicode character. |
unicode_string | charUC * | A Unicode string. |