Broker 10.5 | webMethods Broker Documentation | webMethods Broker Client C API Programmer's Guide | Error Definitions
Error Definitions
This appendix contains the major error codes that you might encounter when using the C Library.
You can use the awErrorToString method to obtain a character string that briefly describes the error associated with a particular BrokerError.
The awErrorToCompleteString method lets you obtain a character string that specifically describes the error associated with a particular BrokerError.
You invoked an API function that conflicts with the current system state. For example:
*You attempted to register a callback for a subscription ID before registering a general callback.
*You attempted to invoke the awDispatch function within a callback function.
An unexpected failure occurred while the Broker was processing your request. This error can have two possible meanings:
*The API could not correctly process an error into one of the other errors.
*A Broker failure has occurred, such as running out of memory or a corrupted data store.
While attempting to create or reconnect a Broker client, the specified host was found but no Broker was running on that host.
On reconnect Broker client calls, the client is either already in use, or the client has shared state and the maximum has already been reached.
The client ID specified when creating a new Broker client is already is use.
A generic communications fault has occurred. Network failures cause this error to be returned.
The connection to the Broker was closed before or during the operation you requested.
The data object on which you are operating is corrupt. Currently only detected on BrokerEvent objects.
Attempt to operate on a BrokerEvent field that does not exist.
The specified event field is not of the expected type. For example, using the awSetStringField function on an event field of type int will generate this error.
The specified file could not be found or could not be opened.
An error occurred while parsing the filter string specified when creating a new filter with the awNewBrokerFilter function.
A runtime error, such as division by zero, occurred while parsing the filter specified with the awMatchFilter function.
This can result from some protocol failures. It is mainly issued by the BrokerString calls to parse values out of strings.
The host specified with the awNewBrokerClient function or the awReconnectBrokerClient function could not be located.
The Broker is running an older version of the product than this library.
An invocation of awGetEvent, awGetEvents, awGetEventsWithAck, or awDispatch was interrupted by the invocation of the awInterruptGetEvents or the awInterruptDispatch function.
An attempt was made to acknowledge a sequence number that was out of order or which was not been assigned to your Broker client.
The BrokerClient passed to the function is either disconnected or destroyed.
The client ID passed to the function contained illegal characters. See Parameter Naming Rules for details on the proper format of client identifiers.
The BrokerConnectionDescriptor object passed to the function has been deleted.
The BrokerEvent object passed to the function has been deleted.
The event type name contains illegal characters, reserved words, or has components over 255 characters in length. See Parameter Naming Rules for details on the proper format of event type names.
The field name contains illegal characters, reserved words, or has components over 255 characters in length. See Parameter Naming Rules for details on the proper format of event type names.
The BrokerFilter object passed to the function has been deleted.
The specified port number contains invalid characters or is out of range.
The subscription requested with the awNewSubscription function contained a null event_type_name parameter, a negative subscription ID, or a filter string that could not be parsed.
This error may also be returned if the subscription passed to the awCancelSubscription function could not be found by the Broker.
An attempt was made to set an event field, using a function such as awSetField, to a value that did not match the field's type.
This error may also be reported if an internal failure is encountered by the API.
An internal error occurred with the event type definition cache. This is does not represent a user error.
The BrokerTypeDef object passed to the function has been deleted. Either the client with which it was associated was disconnected or destroyed, or the cache was flushed.
Ran out of memory while trying to complete the requested operation
You do not have the necessary permission to do the operation you attempted. For example:
*Attempting to write to a read-only envelope field.
*Using a client group that does not contain your identity with the correct permissions when reconnecting or creating a new BrokerClient.
*Attempting to publish an event type that is not allowed by your BrokerClient object's client group.
For more information on client group permissions and can publish permissions see Administering webMethods Broker.
The requested function call is not implemented.
A null value was passed for a parameter that requires a value.
A parameter value is outside the accepted range. For example, getting a sequence subset using negative indexes will return this error.
Internal failure communicating with the Broker.
A security problem was encountered that prevented the operation from being completed.
You attempted to create a new subscription with the awNewSubscription function, using an event type and filter that has already been used for another subscription.
This error is returned by functions such as awGetEvent when an event is not received within the specified time-out interval.
The Broker whose name was specified on a call to the awNewBrokerClient or awReconnectBrokerClient function was not found.
The client group specified on a call to the awNewBrokerClient or awReconnectBrokerClient function was not found.
The client ID specified on a call to the awReconnectBrokerClient was not found.
The specified event type was not found on the Broker. For example, calling the awNewBrokerEvent function on a non-existent type.
The specified infoset was not found for the event type.
There platform key specified on a call to the awGetPlatformInfo function has no defined value.
The specified distinguished name does not exist in the appropriate certificate file.