Broker 10.5 | webMethods Broker Documentation | Administering webMethods Broker | webMethods Broker Command-Line Utilities | Broker Utilities | broker_create
Use the broker_create utility to create a Broker on a Broker Server.
broker_create -h [[--]broker[@server[:port]] [-default]
[-description text] [-createterr territory]
[-jointerr broker[@server[:port]]] [-createcluster cluster]
[-joincluster broker[@server[:port]]]
[-idhelp] [id_options]
[-timeout timeout]
Displays a usage message.
Allows the Broker name to start with the character -.
Specifies the name to be assigned to the Broker. Broker Server and port number are optional if the Broker Server is on the local host.
Makes the Broker the default Broker.
-description text
Provides a short description of the Broker. This description is displayed on various pages in the Broker user interface.
-createterr territory
Creates a new territory and makes the new Broker the first member.
-jointerr broker[@server[:port]]
Makes the new Broker a member of the territory that the specified Broker is a member of.
-createcluster cluster
Creates a new cluster and makes the new Broker the first member.
-joincluster broker[@server[:port]]
Makes the new Broker a member of the cluster that the specified Broker is a member of.
Displays a usage message for the [id_options] listed below.
Provides identification needed for administrative access to the Broker if the Broker is protected by an Access Control List (ACL).
-entrust uses entrust as the SSL provider. Default is JSSE.
-keystore filename specifies the name of the file containing the user SSL certificate.
-password password specifies the password for the keystore file.
-truststore filename specifies the name of the file containing the trusted root of the user SSL certificate.
-noencrypt specifies to not use encryption for the connection. By default, every connection using a certificate is encrypted.
-basicauthuser username specifies the user name for basic authentication. If you specify -basicauthuser, you must also specify -basicauthpassword.
-basicauthpassword password specifies the password for the basic authentication user. If you specify -basicauthpassword, you must also specify -basicauthuser.
[-timeout timeout]
Specifies the timeout time in seconds for the API calls made by the broker_create utility. If any of these API calls to the Broker Server do not complete before the specified time, a time-out exception is thrown by the broker_create utility.