Broker 10.5 | webMethods Broker Documentation | Administering webMethods Broker | webMethods Broker Command-Line Utilities | Broker Server Configuration Utility | server_config stopall
server_config stopall
The stopall subcommand stops the Broker Monitor and all the Broker Servers monitored by it.
server_config stopall -h host [-monitor_port port]
-h host
The host machine of the Broker Server that you want to stop. If you do not specify a value, the IP address specified for the configured Broker Server in the Broker Monitor configuration file is assumed. If there is no IP address binding, the IP address of the localhost is used.
-monitor_port port
The port number assigned to the Broker Monitor.
If there are multiple webMethods Broker installations on the same host machine, use the -monitor_port argument to specify the installation that contains the Broker Server you want to stop.
If the -monitor_port argument is omitted, the utility uses the default Broker Monitor port (6850).
server_config stopall -h atlas -monitor_port 6851