Convention | Description |
Typewriter font | Identifies characters and values that you must type exactly as specified. |
Italic typewriter font | Identifies variable information that you must supply or change when using the command. |
Bold typewriter font | Identifies command name, parameter name, and parameter value information to be typed exactly as specified. |
| | Specifies an "or" logical operator between two options. |
[ ] | Specifies optional keywords or values. Do not type the [ ] symbols in your own code. |
{ } | Indicates a selection to be made between two or more choices. Do not type the { } symbols in your own code. |
() | Indicates group or set of elements. Do not type the ( ) symbols in your own code. Separate the elements in the group or set with a comma (,). |
+ | Indicates that the last grouped element or set of elements in the command can be repeated. Do not type the + symbol in your own code. |