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Command Syntax Conventions
Following is a list of the font, style, and symbol conventions used for JMSAdmin command syntax.
Typewriter font
Identifies characters and values that you must type exactly as specified.
Italic typewriter font
Identifies variable information that you must supply or change when using the command.
Bold typewriter font
Identifies command name, parameter name, and parameter value information to be typed exactly as specified.
Specifies an "or" logical operator between two options.
[ ]
Specifies optional keywords or values. Do not type the [ ] symbols in your own code.
{ }
Indicates a selection to be made between two or more choices. Do not type the { } symbols in your own code.
Indicates group or set of elements. Do not type the ( ) symbols in your own code. Separate the elements in the group or set with a comma (,).
Indicates that the last grouped element or set of elements in the command can be repeated. Do not type the + symbol in your own code.