Broker 10.5 | webMethods Broker Documentation | webMethods Broker Client Java API Programmer's Guide | Using Broker Clients | Overview
This chapter describes the webMethods Broker Java API for creating, using, and destroying Broker clients in your applications. Reading this chapter should help you understand:
*How to create and use a BrokerClient object.
*The context associated with a BrokerClient, including client identifiers, client state, client groups, client life cycle, event queue storage types, and client infoset.
*How to disconnect and reconnect a BrokerClient.
*How to register callback methods for connection notification.
*BrokerConnectionDescriptor objects and their role in the sharing of client state and client connections between multiple Broker clients.
*How to use the BrokerConnectionDescriptor to enable automatic re-connection.
*How to use the BrokerConnectionDescriptor to enable the redelivery counting feature.
*How to use the BrokerConnectionDescriptor to enable the keep-alive feature.