Broker 10.5 | webMethods Broker Documentation | webMethods Broker Client Java API Programmer's Guide | Using the Callback Model | Dispatching Callback Methods | Event Dispatching Rules
Event Dispatching Rules
When an event is received in the callback model, the following rules are used to dispatch the event.
1. If the received event has a tag field and the tag matches a registered callback, the received event is dispatched to that callback object's event handling method.
2. If the received event has a subscription identifier, the event is dispatched once to each callback object that matches the subscription identifier. If the event matches two event subscriptions with the same subscription identifier, the event will be dispatched twice to the callback object for that identifier.
3. The received event will be dispatched to the general callback object's event handling method if the tag did not match any callback and:
a. At least one subscription identifier did not match a specific callback.
b. No subscription identifiers were matched because the event was delivered.