Create the Broker Cluster
Use the Failover Cluster Manager to create a Broker cluster in Windows Server.
To create a
Broker cluster in Windows Server 2019 R2
1. Open the Failover Cluster Management console.
2. Right-click Failover Cluster Manager and select Create a Cluster.
The Create Cluster Wizard appears.
3. In the Before You Begin page, click Next.
4. In the Select Servers page, browse to select all the server nodes or enter the names of the servers, and click Add.
5. Click Next.
6. In the Validation Warning page, select Yes to run the Validate a Configuration wizard.
Software AG recommends that you run the validation tests to determine whether the configuration of servers and attached storage is set up correctly to support failover.
a. In the Validate a Configuration wizard, click Next in the Before You Begin page.
b. In the Testing Options page, select Run All Tests or Run only tests I select depending on whether you want to run all or only selected configuration validation tests.
c. In the Confirmation page, click OK to run the test cases.
In the Validating page, the wizard runs the listed test cases and displays the result for each test case. If any hardware issues are indicated, contact your system administrator or software vendor.
When the test cases have completed, the Summary page appears, showing the cluster name, node details, quorum, and IP Address.
d. Click View report to view the detailed report or click Finish to complete the validation.
If you notice any issues, resolve the issues, and run the Validate a Configuration wizard again until all tests are successful.
7. In the Access Point for Administering the Cluster page, enter the cluster service name and click Next.
If you get a permission exception for Active Directory, contact your system administrator.
The Confirmation page displays the cluster nodes and IP address details.
8. Click Next to confirm.
The Creating New Cluster page displays the summary of the new cluster.
9. Choose to view the detailed report or click Finish.
When you create the cluster, the shared directory is automatically listed in Storage > Available Storage in Failover Cluster Manager.
You have configured two servers as the two nodes in the Broker cluster.