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Setting the CLASSPATH and Environment Variables
You must set the WebLogic CLASSPATH to incorporate webMethods Broker as a JMS provider and the selected JNDI provider.
*To set the CLASSPATH and environment variables
1. Set the WebLogic CLASSPATH (WEBLOGIC_CLASSPATH) to incorporate webMethods Broker as a JMS provider and the selected JNDI provider.
*Windows: Change the CLASSPATH in WebLogic_HomeDirectory\common\bin\commEnv.cmd to point to the required JAR files.
*Unix: Change the CLASSPATH in WebLogic_HomeDirectory/common/bin/ to point to the required JAR files.
2. Modify your WEBLOGIC_CLASSPATH so that the following JAR files precede the WebLogic JAR files:
*webMethods Broker as a JMS provider: wm-jmsclient.jar
*webMethods Broker as a JMS provider:wm-jmsadmin.jar
*webMethods Broker as a JMS provider: wm-g11nutils.jar
*webMethods Broker as a JMS provider: wm-jmsnaming.jar
*webMethods Naming Service for JMS: wm-brokerclient.jar
*selected JNDI provider: <JAR files for the selected JNDI provider>
Note that when you use webMethods Broker as a JMS provider, the JAR files need to precede the WebLogic JAR files in the CLASSPATH.