Broker 10.5 | webMethods Broker Documentation | webMethods Broker Messaging Programmer's Guide | Application Server Support | Application Server Support When You Use webMethods Broker as a JMS Provider | Sample JBoss Application Server Configuration through JCA | Configuring JBoss Application Server 5.0.1
Configuring JBoss Application Server 5.0.1
To install webMethods Broker on a JBoss Application Server, add the webm-jmsra.rar file (the JMS client file) to the JBoss directory, and then configure the JMS client files for the JBoss Application Server.
You can also connect external JNDI providers to the JBoss JNDI provider. JBoss lets you use an external context to make these connections. For configuration information, see the JBoss documentation.
*To configure the JBoss Application Server 5.0.1
1. Extract the contents of Software AG_directory\Broker\lib\webm-jmsra.rar to a temporary directory.
2. If you use JNDI, specify the following additional settings in the ra.xml file. The ra.xml file is located in webm-jmsra.rar\META-INF.
*Set the jndiProperties value to reflect your JNDI settings. For example:
*Set the connectionFactoryJndiName value to reflect the connection factory from which the MDB will receive messages.
*Set the destinationJndiName value to reflect the destination from which the MDB will receive messages.
Save your changes and recompress the webm-jmsra.rar file.
3. Add the webm-jmsra.rar file to the JBoss_directory\server\default\deploy directory.
a. Create the webm-service.xml file in the deploy directory of JBoss. The webm-service.xml file must define the external context MBean that allows JBoss to access an external JNDI provider. In this case the external JNDI provider is webMethods.
b. Change the connection factory attributes to use webMethods Broker as a JMS provider. In the deploy\messaging<jboss.home>\server\default\deploy\messaging\jms-ds.xml file.
For example, replace the following line:
<attribute name="TopicFactoryRef">java:/XAConnectionFactory
with the following:
<attribute name="TopicFactoryRef">external/webm/NewConnectionFactory
Note that NewConnectionFactory is defined in the webm- service.xml file.
4. Update jboss.xml to point to the desired Destination and deploy the MDB.