Broker 10.5 | webMethods Broker Documentation | Administering webMethods Broker | Managing Broker Servers | Backing Up and Restoring a Broker Server | Files that Are Backed Up | Backing Up an ACL-Protected Broker Server
Backing Up an ACL-Protected Broker Server
To back up an ACL-protected Broker Server, you must be authorized to administer the Broker Server. Depending on whether you have configured basic authentication or SSL authentication, you must supply the credentials when you run the utility:
*For basic authentication, supply the user name and password.
*For SSL authentication, supply:
*The name and location of the keystore file
*The password for the keystore file
*The distinguished name that identifies you as an authorized administrator of the Broker Server
*To back up the Broker Server using the server_conf_backup utility
1. On the machine where Broker Server is installed, navigate to the following directory:
Software AG_directory/Broker/bin
2. Run the following command:
server_conf_backup backupFile -h host:port [-k keystore –p password
–ttruststore] [-bu basic-auth-user -bp basic-auth-password] [-e] [-o] [-v]
Encrypt transmissions between the server_conf_backup utility and the Broker Server you are backing up.
Overwrite the backup file if it already exists.
Enable verbose mode, which displays informational messages about the backup process.
For other parameter descriptions, see server_conf_backup.
The following example illustrates how to back up a non-protected Broker Server:
server_conf_backup /var/backups/Brokers/atlas6842/ -h locakhost:6842
The following example illustrates how to back up an ACL-protected SSL authenticated Broker Server:
server_conf_backup /var/backups/Brokers/atlas6842/ -h atlas:6842 -o
-k /var/MyKeys.cert -p axl545j
    -t CN=hdavis,OU=IT,O=webmethods,L=Denver,ST=CO,C=US
The following example illustrates how to back up an ACL-protected basic authenticated Broker Server:
server_conf_backup /var/backups/Brokers/atlas6842/ -h atlas:6842 -o
-bu user1 -bp password123