Broker 10.5 | webMethods Broker Documentation | Administering webMethods Broker | Managing Broker Servers | Configuring Queue Storage | Adding a Storage File
Adding a Storage File
You can use the server_config utility to add one or more storage files to queue storage. A storage session can have a total of 62 storage files. Each file can be up to 32 gigabytes in size.
The queue storage system will seek a storage file that is not busy when it is moving an object from the log file to a storage file. Therefore, multiple storage files can provide faster access than a single storage file.
If you add a storage file with a very large reserve size, it might take several minutes for the server_config utility to initialize the new file (up to 15 minutes for very large files).
*To add one or more storage files to queue storage
1. Stop the Broker Server.
2. On the machine where Broker Server is installed, navigate to the following directory:
webMethods Broker_directory/bin
3. Run the following command. Type the entire command on one line.
Note that you can enter the -qs_storage_file parameter multiple times to add multiple storage files.
server_config storage dataDir -session_type qs
-qs_storage_file storeFile
storeSize reserveSize

[-qs_storage_file storeFile
storeSize reserveSize
The fully-qualified location of the Broker Server's data directory. Enclose the entire directory name in quotes if any portion of the name contains a space.
The session to which you want to add the storage file.
*If you are adding the storage file to the configuration session or for a combined storage session, type is: config
*If you are adding the storage file to the run-time data session, type is: data
The fully-qualified name of the new storage file. Enclose the entire directory name in quotes if any portion of the name contains a space.
By convention, the names of storage files have ".qs.stor" as an extension. Although you are not required to use this extension when you create a storage file, we recommend you do so to make the file easy to identify. If you are running a separate-session configuration, we recommend that you specify a name that indicates whether the storage file belongs to the configuration session or the data session (e.g., configData.qs.stor or run-timeData.qs.stor).
The maximum size to which this storage file can grow. Specify the size as a number followed by a K (kilobytes), M (megabytes), or G (gigabytes).
storeSize must not exceed 32 gigabytes.
Once specified, the maximum size of the storage file can be increased, but not reduced.
The total amount of storage that should be reserved for the storage file. (The utility will create a storage file of this size.)
Specify a number followed by a K (kilobytes), M (megabytes), or G (gigabytes).
reserveSize must be at least 16M, but less than storeSize.
Once specified, the reserve size for the storage file can be increased, but not reduced.
The following example illustrates a configuration session or combined session:
server_config storage
C:\webMethods Broker_directory\Broker\data\awbrokersversion\myBroker
-session_config qs
C:\webMethods Broker_directory\Broker\data\awbrokersversion\myBroker\
BrokerConfig01.qs.stor 512M 100M
The following example illustrates a run-time data session:
server_config storage
C:\webMethods Broker_directory\Broker\data\awbrokersversion\my Broker
-session_data qs
C:\webMethods Broker_directory\Broker\data\awbrokersversion\myBroker\
.qs.stor 1G 100M
The following example illustrates a run-time data session with multiple storage files:
server_config storage
C:\webMethods Broker_directory\Broker\data\awbrokersversion\myBroker
-session_data qs
C:\webMethods Broker_directory\Broker\data\awbrokersversion\myBroker\
BrokerData01.qs.stor 1G 100M
C:\webMethods Broker_directory\Broker\data\awbrokersversion\myBroker\
.qs.stor 1G 100M
C:\webMethods Broker_directory\Broker\data\awbrokersversion\myBroker\
.qs.stor 1G 100M