Broker 10.5 | webMethods Broker Documentation | Administering webMethods Broker | Using Access Labels | Types of Access Control
Types of Access Control
A Broker client is allowed to publish and subscribe to documents based on:
*Document type
*Its client group can-publish and can-subscribe lists
webMethods Broker also supports access control at the individual document level. This control is per-message based rather than type based.
In certain situations where different access levels are required, type-based access control may be insufficient or may require too complex a solution.
For example, assume a document type deleteRecord. To provide different user rights based on Confidential, Secret, and Top Secret access, you might need to publish three document types: deleteConfidentialRecord, deleteSecretRecord, and deleteTopSecretRecord. This requires the creation of three separate client groups with different permissions for accessing the document types.
Access labels allow you to specify permissions for a document instance. In the above example, the Confidential, Secret, and Top Secret clients can use the single document type deleteRecord, with individual documents of that type having different access control levels.