Broker 10.5 | webMethods Broker Documentation | webMethods Broker Client C API Programmer's Guide | API Reference | awSet | awSetFormatMode
BrokerBoolean awSetFormatMode(
char *format_option,
char *mode);
The format option to be set.
The format mode to be set.
Sets the mode for the format_option. Returns 1 (true) if the mode was altered, otherwise 0 (false) is returned.
Consider the following format string:
column1 = ${field1:v}, column2 = ${field2:v}
If you can call this function as:
awSetFormatMode("v", "?")
Invoking BrokerFormat. awEventFormatAssemble will produce this output:
column1 = ?, column2 = ?
If you call this function as:
awSetFormatMode("v", ":")
Invoking awEventFormatAssemble will produce this output:
column1 = :v0, column2 = :v1
See also: