BrokerError awSetDescriptorSSLcertificate(
BrokerConnectionDescriptor desc,
char *certificate_file,
char *password,
char *trust_file);
desc | The connection descriptor whose SSL information is to be provided. |
certificate_file | The SSL certificate file to be associated with desc. |
password | The SSL password for the certificate file. |
trust_file | The SSL truststore file to be associated with desc. |
Sets the secure socket layer (SSL) certificate_file and trust_file for desc.
For any Broker client created or reconnected with the descriptor desc:
If the
certificate_file is
NULL, then SSL will be disabled.
certificate_file is not
NULL and
trust_file is
NULL, then server-only authentication will be enabled.
If both
certificate_file and
trust_file are not
NULL, then both server and client authentication will be used.
The server must be properly configured to use SSL. See Administering webMethods Broker for complete information.
Possible BrokerError major codes | Meaning |
AW_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND | The certificate_file or trust_file could not be found or could not be read. |
AW_ERROR_INVALID_DESCRIPTOR | The desc is invalid. |
AW_ERROR_NO_PERMISSION | The password is invalid or the certificate_file has an unrecognized format. |
AW_ERROR_NULL_PARAM | The password is NULL when the certificate_file is not NULL. |
AW_ERROR_SECURITY | SSL support is not available. |
See also: