event | The event whose field is to be set. |
field_name | Name of the destination event field to set. |
value | The source value for the field. The field value is different depending on the function as follows: awSetBooleanField has a field value type of BrokerBoolean. awSetByteField has a field value type of char. awSetCharField has a field value type of char. awSetDateField has a field value type of BrokerDate. awSetDoubleField has a field value type of double. awSetFloatField has a field value type of float. awSetIntegerField has a field value type of int. awSetLongField has a field value type of BrokerLong. awSetLongFieldNative has a field value type of NativeLong. (Available only on platforms which support 64-bit integral representations.) awSetShortField has a field value type of short. awSetStringField has a field value type of char *. awSetUCCharField has a field value type of charUC. awSetUCStringField has a field value type of charUC *. |
Possible BrokerError major codes | Meaning |
AW_ERROR_FIELD_NOT_FOUND | The event is associated with a Broker client and field_name does not exist in the event. |
AW_ERROR_FIELD_TYPE_MISMATCH | The field's type does not match the type of value or the field_name incorrectly accesses a type, such as using a subscript on a non-sequence field. |
AW_ERROR_INVALID_EVENT | The event is invalid. |
AW_ERROR_INVALID_FIELD_NAME | The field_name is invalid. |
AW_ERROR_NULL_PARAM | The parameter field_name is NULL. |