Broker 10.5 | webMethods Broker Documentation | webMethods Broker Client C API Programmer's Guide | API Reference | awGet | awGetEventTypeDefs
BrokerError awGetEventTypeDefs(
BrokerClient client,
int n,
char **event_type_names,
BrokerTypeDef **type_defs);
The Broker client requesting the event type definition.
Number of names in event_type_names.
An array of event type names.
An array of event type definitions. This parameter is used for output.
Provides an array of definitions which correspond to the requested event types. For each type in event_type_names, a corresponding definition is returned in defs. If an event type is undefined or if the client does not have permission to obtain the type definition, the corresponding definition is set to NULL.
An event type definition will not be returned if your client is not permitted to browse that event type. In most cases, event types which can be browsed are those which your client can publish or for which it can register subscriptions.
The caller is responsible for calling free on the defs array, but not on the definitions themselves.
Possible BrokerError major codes
The client has been destroyed or disconnected.
The event_type_def or type_defs is NULL or one entry in type_defs array is NULL.
The parameter n is less than or equal to zero.
See also: