Broker 10.5 | webMethods Broker Documentation | webMethods Broker Client C API Programmer's Guide | API Reference | awGet | awGetDateCtime
BrokerError awGetDateCtime(
BrokerDate *d,
time_t *t);
The Broker date from which the time is to be extracted.
The client id that is associated with this Broker client. This parameter is used for output.
Obtains a time_t value from the specified Broker date. See C date and time functions in <time.h> for information on time_t.
Possible BrokerError major codes
The specified date, d, cannot be represented as a time_t date. A date earlier than January 1, 1970 or after 03:14:07 on January 19, 2038 cannot be represented as a time_t date.
Millisecond accuracy is lost when a BrokerDate is converted to the time_t format.
See also: