Broker 10.5 | webMethods Broker Documentation | webMethods Broker Client C API Programmer's Guide | API Reference | awGet | awGetCanPublishNames
BrokerError awGetCanPublishNames(
BrokerClient client,
int *n,
char ***event_type_names);
The Broker client whose list of event types is to be returned.
The number of event type names that were returned. This parameter is used for output.
The array of event type names that this Broker client can publish. This parameter is used for output.
Obtains the name of every event type that the specified client can publish or deliver to the Broker client's Broker. The caller is responsible for calling free on event_type_names. All strings in event_type_names share one memory block so nested freeing is unnecessary.
The events that a client may publish are determined by the client group to which the Broker client belongs. For information on client groups, see Administering webMethods Broker.
Possible BrokerError major codes
The client has been destroyed or disconnected.
The parameter n or event_type_names is NULL.
See also: