Broker 10.5 | webMethods Broker Documentation | webMethods Broker Client C API Programmer's Guide | API Reference | awGet | awGetStructSeqFieldAsEvents
BrokerError awGetStructSeqFieldAsEvents(
BrokerEvent event,
char *field_name,
int offset,
int max_n,
int *n,
BrokerEvent **value_array);
The event containing the sequence field to be obtained.
The name of an event field that is a sequence of structures.
The number of elements (that is, structures) to skip from the beginning of the sequence.
The number of elements requested. If set to -1, all elements are requested.
The number of elements returned. This parameter is used for output.
An array of events, each of which represents a structure. This parameter is used for output.
Provides an array of events, each one representing a structure in the sequence contained in event. See awGetStructFieldAsEvent for information on representing a structure as an event. For information on how to use offset, max_n, and value_array; see awGet<type>SeqField.
See Specifying Field Names for complete information on specifying field_name.
If you get a structure sequence field whose value was not set by the event's publisher, a zero-length array will be returned.
The caller must call awDeleteEvent on each event in value_array and then call free on value_array itself.
Since the events returned in value_array are not associated with a Broker client, they will not type checked.
Possible BrokerError major codes
The field_name does not exist in the event or an attempt was made to obtain the value of an envelope field that has not been set.
The field's type does not match the type of value or the field_name incorrectly accesses a type.
The event is invalid.
The field_name is invalid.
The parameter field_name or value_array is NULL.
The offset is less than zero or greater than the sequence size, or max_n is less than zero.
See also: