Broker 10.5 | webMethods Broker Documentation | Administering webMethods Broker | Using Command Central to Manage Broker | Configuring SSL in Broker Server
Configuring SSL in Broker Server
*To enable or disable SSL in Broker Server
1. In the Environments pane, select the environment in which you want to configure the Broker Server.
2. Click theInstances tab.
3. Click the name of the Broker Server instance for which you want to configure SSL.
4. Click the Configuration tab.
5. Select Ports in the drop-down list to view the port settings configured.
Command Centraldisplays theBroker Server port.
6. Click the name of the port and click Edit.
Connection Basics displays the following non-editable fields.
Whether theBroker Server base port is enabled.
Port Number
The Broker Server base port number.
To change the base port, stop the Broker Server and change the port setting using the server_config command line utility in webMethods Broker.
For information about the server_config command line utility in webMethods Broker, see webMethods Broker Command-Line Utilities.
7. Expand Security Configuration and specify the following SSL settings.
SSL Enabled
Whether SSL port is enabled.
Click Yes to enable the SSL port settings. If you do not want to use SSL, click No.
Keystore Type
The keystore type.
Select the keystore type.
Server Location of Keystore
The directory where the keystore file is located.
The password to open the keystore file.
Truststore Type
The truststore file format.
Select the truststore type.
Server Location of Truststore
The directory where the truststore file is located.
8. Click Test to verify the port settings.
9. Click Save to save the port changes.