Available in SOA applications only.
- Folder
The folder where the database is located.
- Username
The username required to connect to the database (optional).
- Password
- URL additional parameters
Additional parameters needed for the database connection (optional).
- Driver
The connection driver used to access the database. You can choose a pre-defined driver using the combo box or supply a custom one. It may be required to supply the driver itself to ApplinX Server.
Database Driver Requires Driver Files Apache Derby org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver SQL Server com.Microsoft.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver Yes Oracle oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver Yes MySQL org.git.mm.mysql.Driver Yes Db2 COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.app.DB2Driver Yes - URL
The connection prefix required to connect to the database. Choose a pre-defined prefix from the combo box or supply a custom one.