
There are three ways to provide for a dynamic page layout:

  • Some controls support dynamic rendering that can be controlled by corresponding adapter properties.

    A FIELD control, for example, can be influenced by adapter properties that control whether the field is editable or not. A BUTTON control can refer to an adapter property telling whether the button is visible or not. There is a ROWDYNAVIS control that represents a container area that can be switched on/off by your server side adapter. When switched on or off, the whole container is visible or invisible.

  • If a page gets too large, you usually split up the page into logical areas, each having a certain level of independency.

    With the SUBCISPAGE2 control, you can embed one screen flexibly into other screens. The same can be done by using the ROWTABSUBPAGES control. You can also distribute your layout across multiple frames of a frameset. This is, for example, done inside the workplace itself: the content frame of the workplace is dynamically started - it displays the activity which is currently active.

  • Screens can be built up in a "100% dynamic way". This means that the layout that you normally create when designing a page is defined at runtime by a program.

Information on the first two options is provided in Working with Controls (in the Layout Elements documentation), and in Embedding Pages into Pages and Embedding Pages into a Workplace (in the Working with Pages documentation).

This part tells you about the last option: building dynamic pages.