Layout Painter

The Layout Painter is the central tool for layout development. You use it to specify the layouts of your HTML pages. The Layout Painter includes an active WYSIWYG preview in which you can test your applications. It also embeds other tools such as the Code Assistant and the Literal Assistant.

The description of the Layout Painter is organized under the following headings:

Getting Started with the Layout Painter
Defining the XML Layout
Using the Web Service Layout Assistant
Using the Code Assistant
Using the Literal Assistant
Using the XML Binding Tool
Using the Validation Rules Editor
Using the Formula Editor
Configuration, Log and Status Information

If you are new to Application Designer, it is recommended that you read the First Steps tutorial before reading the information in this part. The tutorial provides step-by-step instructions on how to create a layout with the Layout Painter.

See also Using Layout Painter Extensions in the Special Development Topics.