Version 8.2 (2013-03-18)
 —  Layout Elements  —

Sorting Aspects with Grids

Application Designer's grid controls support automated sorting of items.

This document covers the following topics:

Default Sorting

The default sorting is done in the following way:

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Your Own Sorting

You can override the default sorting inside a TEXTGRIDCollection or GRIDCollection. The following example shows how to do so:

package com.softwareag.cis.demoapps;

// This class is a generated one.

import java.util.*;
import com.softwareag.cis.server.*;
import com.softwareag.cis.server.util.*;
import com.softwareag.cis.util.*;

public class GridSortAdapter
    extends Adapter
     * Own textgrid collection that overrides the default sort behaviour.
    public class MyTGC extends TEXTGRIDCollection
         * Own SortInfo-class. In the sort-method you can do "everything you like"
         * for sorting: you can e.g. manipulate the grid collection in any way.
        public class MySI extends SORTInfo
            public void sort(String sortProperty, boolean ascending)
                outputMessage(MT_SUCCESS,"Sorting: " + sortProperty + ", " + ascending);

        protected SORTInfo createGridSortInfo()
            MySI result = new MySI();
            return result;

     * "Normal" lines item object.
    public class LinesItem
        // property >firstName<
        String m_firstName;
        public String getFirstName() { return m_firstName; }
        public void setFirstName(String value) { m_firstName = value; }

        // property >lastName<
        String m_lastName;
        public String getLastName() { return m_lastName; }
        public void setLastName(String value) { m_lastName = value; }

    MyTGC m_lines = new MyTGC();
    public MyTGC getLines() { return m_lines; }

    public void init()
        for (int i=0; i<100; i++)
            LinesItem li = new LinesItem();
            li.setFirstName("FN " + i);
            li.setLastName("LN " + i);

Instead of working on the normal TEXTGRIDCollection, you work on a derived one (in the example, this is MyTGC). In the derived implementation, you need to overwrite the method createGridSortInfo() returning an object that extends SORTInfo (in the example, this is MySI). Inside the SORTInfo object, you need to implement the sort(..) method as shown in the example.

In the example, all classes are defined as inner classes. Of course, the choice whether to use inner classes or normal classes is up to you.

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Special Consideration with CSVCOLUMN Controls

The CSVCOLUMN is a dynamic arrangement of columns inside a text grid. The adapter specifies the sequence, width and content of columns at runtime. In order to let Application Designer know how to sort the corresponding items of the TEXTGRIDCollection, you need to tell via the CSVCOLUMN property proprefsprop which property is behind which column.

When using the default sorting (i.e. no derived TEXTGRIDCollection as shown in the previous section), then Application Designer will sort the grid collection by accessing the properties. This means that you have to expose each column property accordingly.



The layout definition is:

<rowarea name="Own Sort on Server">
    <itr takefullwidth="true">
        <textgridsss2 griddataprop="lines" rowcount="10" width="100%">
            <csvcolumn titlesprop="titles" valuesprop="values"
                       widthsprop="widths" proprefsprop="proprefs">

The adapter implementation looks like this:

package com.softwareag.cis.demoapps;

// This class is a generated one.

import java.util.*;

import com.softwareag.cis.file.CSVManager;
import com.softwareag.cis.server.*;
import com.softwareag.cis.server.util.*;
import com.softwareag.cis.util.*;

public class GridSortAdapter
    extends Adapter
    public class LinesItem
        String m_firstName;
        public String getFirstName() { return m_firstName; }
        public void setFirstName(String value) { m_firstName = value; }

        String m_lastName;
        public String getLastName() { return m_lastName; }
        public void setLastName(String value) { m_lastName = value; }

        public String getValues()
            return CSVManager.encodeString(new String[] {m_firstName,m_lastName});


    String m_proprefs = "firstName;lastName";
    public String getProprefs() { return m_proprefs; }

    String m_titles = "First Name;LastName";
    public String getTitles() { return m_titles; }

    String m_widths = "50%;50%";
    public String getWidths() { return m_widths; }

    TEXTGRIDCollection m_lines = new TEXTGRIDCollection();
    public TEXTGRIDCollection getLines() { return m_lines; }

    public void init()
        for (int i=0; i<100; i++)
            LinesItem li = new LinesItem();
            li.setFirstName("FN " + i);
            li.setLastName("LN " + i);

The LinesItem class exposes three properties:

Since Application Designer communicates all simple datatype properties to the client that are part of an accessed object in the scenario above, all three properties are transferred to the UI client - though of course only the values property is actually required. The other properties are used for sorting puposes only.

To avoid this, you may use a certain interface IControlPropertyAccess with which you can clearly tell Application Designer that certain simple datatype properties - though provided in the implementation - are not relevant to be transferred to the client:

 * "Normal" lines item object.
public class LinesItem
    implements IControlPropertyAccess
    String m_firstName;
    public String getFirstName() { return m_firstName; }
    public void setFirstName(String value) { m_firstName = value; }

    String m_lastName;
    public String getLastName() { return m_lastName; }
    public void setLastName(String value) { m_lastName = value; }

    public String getValues()
        return CSVManager.encodeString(new String[] {m_firstName,m_lastName});

    public String[] findPropertiesNotToBeCollected()
        return CSVManager.decodeString(m_proprefs);

String m_proprefs = "firstName;lastName";
public String getProprefs() { return m_proprefs; }

If you do not want to provide for the fine granular properties at all (firstName, lastName), then you still can use the possibility of doing the sorting completely on your own as shown in the previous section. In this case, the property references passed by PROPREFSPROP are just strings thay are communicated to the sort(..) method when the user sorts a grid.

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