Version 8.2 (2013-03-18)
 —  Development Workplace  —

Configuration, Log and Status Information

This section describes the following commands of the Layout Painter:


You have to define the source directory into which the adapter classes for the current project are to be written. This directory is used by the Code Assistant.

Start of instruction setTo view/modify the configuration

  1. From the Home tab of the Layout Painter, choose Preferences.

    A dialog appears. For example:


    The name of the configuration file and the path to the current project are shown at the top of the dialog.

    The following options are available:

    Source Directory

    The path to your Java sources. This text box is initially empty.

    It is not mandatory that your sources are stored in the <your-webapplication> directory. They can also be stored in another directory.

    Spaces Per Tab

    The number of spaces that are to be inserted into the code when you add tabs with the Code Assistant.

    Property Method Within One Line

    When this check box is selected, source code is written as follows:

    // property >fieldText5<
    String m_fieldText5;
    public String getFieldText5()
        return m_fieldText5;
    public void setFieldText5(String value)
        m_fieldText5 = value;

    When this check box is not selected, source code is written as follows:

    // property >fieldText5<
    String m_fieldText5;
    public String getFieldText5() { return m_fieldText5; }
    public void setFieldText5(String value) { m_fieldText5 = value; }
    Use Prefix

    The prefix that is to be used for all properties in the adapter class. By default, the prefix "m_" is defined. Example: "m_fieldText5".

    Member Qualifier

    Using the options in this drop-down list box, you can specify whether the package is private, protected or public. Example:

    protected String m_fieldText5;

    When none of these options is explicitly defined in this text box, the package is public by default. Example:

    public String m_fieldText5;
    Disable Validation

    When this check box is selected, properties and methods are not validated.

    When this check box is not selected (default), properties and methods are validated. In this case, the regular expressions listed in the Regular Expression text box (read only) are used for the validation.

    Java Classname

    You can specify a Java class which implements the interface IEditorValidValuesProvider. For details on this interface, see the Java API documentation. You have to define the package, without the extension ".java". For example:

    Quick Preview

    You can define whether the quick preview button is to be shown at the top of the Layout Painter, in addition to the regular preview button. The following check boxes are available:

    Show The quick preview button is shown. When you choose this button, the changes to the adapter class are not applied. Only the layout in the preview area is updated.
    Hide The quick preview button is not shown (default).

    See also Previewing the Layout.

    Preview Mode

    You can define which mode is to be active by default when the Layout Painter is started. The following check boxes are available:

    Screen Test Only Loads the layout with an empty adapter.
    Run Application The latest changes to the adapter class are used (default).

    See also Previewing the Layout.

  2. Choose the Save and Apply button to save your changes.

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XML Schema (XSD)

You can create a ZIP file which includes an up-to-date XML (XSD) schema.

If required, you can save and extract the ZIP file and load the included editor.xsd file into an editor such as XML Spy in order to validate an XML layout which has been coded manually.

Start of instruction setTo create a ZIP file

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The protocol lists error and warnings for your current layout.

A warning is provided, for example, when a method you have defined in the properties area, has not yet been set. See Using the Code Assistant for further information.

Start of instruction setTo view the protocol

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Server Log

When a layout is not displayed correctly on the client, you can check the data which the server has sent to the client.

This dialog can also be accessed from the monitoring tool.

Start of instruction setTo view the server log

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You can display information on the controls that have been written to the generated HTML page.

Start of instruction setTo view the log

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When creating the layout, you can view the currently defined XML code at any point of time.

Start of instruction setTo view the XML code

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You can display information on the resources that are used for the current layout. The resources are the XML layout definition, the Java source and the translation file.

Start of instruction setTo view the resources

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