Version 8.2 (2013-03-18)
 —  Appendices  —

Appendix F - Using JSwat for Debugging

JSwat is a graphical debugger, available free of charge - see It is not restricted to any development environment - but is a standalone debugging environment. It is flexible to use and can be used e.g. in a customer environment where you do not want to install a full development environment in order to trace and debug your applications. JSwat is written in Java and also runs on Linux-based systems.

We strongly recommend to use this debugger instead of using a System.out.println() way for debugging.

Usage of JSwat

JSwat supports remote debugging by the Java JPDA architecture. This means, you start Application Designer with some flags to force the virtual machine that it sends debug information to interested listeners. JSwat acts as listener for this information.

The following topics are covered below:

Starting Application Designer in Remote Debugging Mode

There is a special batch file available for starting the default Application Designer in remote debugging mode. Have a look at the file <installdir>\bin\GUIServer_remote.bat:

cd tomcat
cd bin
set java_home=..\..\jre
set catalina_home=..
set jpda_transport=dt_socket
set jpda_address=5000
catalina jpda run

You see that

Configuring JSwat

After starting JSwat, configure two items:

The connection to Application Designer is done by Session > Attach to remote... inside JSwat. Select the parameters according to the definition inside the <installdir>\bin\GUIServer_remote.bat file:


The source path is maintained by Options > Set source path.... In the dialog, define the location of your sources.


Running the Debug Session

See the JSwat documentation for details on how to use JSwat.

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