Version 8.2 (2013-03-18)
 —  Ajax Developer  —


This document covers the following topics:

About the Examples

These examples assume that you expect the label of an input field not at the left of the field but above the field (two separate rows). Furthermore, you want to have several such fields within a single row (inline control).

For these examples, you will proceed as follows:

  1. You create your own editor extension with the name editor_test.xml.

    Do not use the Application Designer editor extensions for your own controls. Place your own controls within your own extension file. Thus, there will be no conflicts when upgrading your installation to a newer build.

  2. You build a control named DLFIELD (double line field) which will be available in the control library "test". Therefore, you have to name your control "test:dlfield". See also Library Concept in Custom Controls.

  3. You define a macro control which determines that the control consists of two rows, one for the label and another for the field. The rows themselves are placed into a column container.

The composition of controls looks roughly like this:


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Defining a Control with a Corresponding Tag Handler

The definition of a control with a corresponding tag handler is quite simple. It consists of

You will now define a control with the following properties: name (label name), width (width of column container) and valueprop (name of the adapter property to which the field is bound). The control will be available within the row containers TR and ITR.

For further information on the tag handler, see Control Concept in Custom Controls.

Start of instruction setTo define a new control

  1. Invoke the Control Editor.

  2. Create your own editor extension with the name editor_test.xml

  3. Add a new control with the name "test:dlfield".

    The editor extension editor_demo.xml contains a control with the name "demo:dlfield". When you have completed the example, your new "test:dlfield" extension should be similar to "demo:dlfield".

  4. Select your new control in the tree.

  5. To create the list of attributes, specify the following information on the Attributes tab:


  6. Specify the following information on the Positioning tab:

    Embedding containers

    This determines that your control can be selected from the MyControls section of the controls palette and that it can be inserted into the row containers TR and ITR.

  7. Save your changes.

  8. Have a look at the generated XML file (editor_test.xml). It should look as follows:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    Dynamic extension of editor.xml file.
      * DATATYPEs
      * TAGs
      <!-- TEST:DLFIELD -->
      <tag name="test:dlfield">
        <attribute name="name"/>
        <attribute name="width" datatype="width"/>
        <attribute name="valueprop" datatype="property"/>
      <tagsubnodeextension control="itr" newsubnode="test:dlfield"/>
      <tagsubnodeextension control="tr" newsubnode="test:dlfield"/>
      <taggroupsubnodeextension group="MyControls" newsubnode="test:dlfield"/>

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Defining a Macro Control

You can define a macro control as XML without any additional coding. The basic specification for a macro control defined as XML is the same as the specification for a control to which also a tag handler is applied. It consists of:

In addition, you define the following:

With the definition of a macro control, you describe how the control is composed out of other controls. An attribute of the macro control can be referenced by enclosing the attribute name in "$" characters (for example, "$myattribute$").

With a simple macro control, no further information is required.

Additional data (additional properties, methods, libraries) is only required if you want to bind the control to a so-called "server-side representative". The control's properties and methods are bound to a dedicated Java class. Within this class, you typically encapsulate certain tasks/functionality used by the control.

The following topics are covered below:

XML Definition for a Simple Macro Control

You will now continue with the "test:dlfield" control from the previous example.

You will add an XML definition to the "test:dlfield" control which defines the following:

The XML for the macro control looks like this:

<coltable0 width="$width$">	
        <label name="$name$" width="100%" asplaintext="true">
        <field valueprop="$valueprop$" width="100%">

Start of instruction setTo define the XML of the macro control

  1. Specify the above XML on the XML tab of the "test:dlfield" control.

    The tab should now look as follows:


  2. Save your changes.

  3. Have a look at the generated XML file (editor_test.xml). It should now look as follows:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    Dynamic extension of editor.xml file.
      * DATATYPEs
      * TAGs
      <!-- TEST:DLFIELD -->
      <tag name="test:dlfield">
        <attribute name="name"/>
        <attribute name="width" datatype="width"/>
        <attribute name="valueprop" datatype="property"/>
            <coltable0 width="$width$">
            <label name="$name$" width="100%" asplaintext="true">
            <field valueprop="$valueprop$" width="100%">
      <tagsubnodeextension control="itr" newsubnode="test:dlfield"/>
      <tagsubnodeextension control="tr" newsubnode="test:dlfield"/>
      <taggroupsubnodeextension group="MyControls" newsubnode="test:dlfield"/>

    The control is now ready for use. The Layout Painter will offer the control for the containers ITR and TR.

XML Definition for a Macro Control with a Server-Side Representative

This example demonstrates how to build a macro control that refers to a server-side representative.

The server-side representative class DLFIELDInfo described below is specific for custom controls used within PAGE layouts. In addition, the Code Assistant support described below is only available in PAGE layouts.

For NATPAGE layouts, you can also implement server-side representative classes. These are the so-called "binding classes" (see also Binding Concept in the Custom Controls documentation which is part of the NaturalONE documentation).

It is important that the server-side representative classes for controls in PAGE layouts are different from the binding classes of custom controls in NATPAGE layouts. For binding classes of custom controls used within NATPAGE layouts, see the examples in the njxdemos.

You will now extend the "test:dlfield" control from the previous example as follows:

Thus, the page adapter just has to provide for a DLFIELDInfo object; it does not have to compute the value help by itself.

Start of instruction setTo define a macro control with a server-side representative

  1. Add a new data type with the name "test:dlfdatatype".

  2. Select the new data type in the tree.

  3. Specify the following values on the Domain tab:


  4. Select the control "test:dlfield" in the tree.

  5. On the Attributes tab, add the attribute datatype and define "test:dlfdatatype" as the data type.


    Until now, you have used the attribute valueprop to bind the field's input value to an adapter property.

    Using the server-side representative concept, the adapter now provides a property (referenced by the property valueprop) that returns an instance of such a representative (DLFIELDInfo). The field value and the value help are handled within that class. The following shows the coding of the class DLFIELDInfo:

    package com.softwareag.cis.test35;
    import com.softwareag.cis.server.util.ValidValueLine;
    import java.util.*;
    import com.softwareag.cis.server.*;
    import com.softwareag.cis.server.util.*;
    import com.softwareag.cis.util.*;
    public class DLFIELDInfo 
    	private final static String ML_APP = "release35";
    	private Adapter m_adapter;
    	public DLFIELDInfo(Adapter adapter)
    		m_adapter = adapter;
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // properties
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // property >fieldValue<
        String m_fieldValue;
        public String getFieldValue() { return m_fieldValue; }
        public void setFieldValue(String value) { m_fieldValue = value; }
        // property >hasPopupHelp<
        public boolean getHasPopupHelp() 
            return m_fieldDatatype != null &&
                   m_fieldDatatype.length() != 0; 
        // property >fieldDatatype<
        String m_fieldDatatype;
        public String getFieldDatatype() { return m_fieldDatatype; }
        public void setFieldDatatype(String value) { m_fieldDatatype = value; }
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // methods
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /** */
        public ValidValueLine[] findValidValuesForFieldValue()
        	String text1 = m_adapter.replaceLiteral(ML_APP, "dlfi_code_1");
        	String text2 = m_adapter.replaceLiteral(ML_APP, "dlfi_code_2");
        	String text3 = m_adapter.replaceLiteral(ML_APP, "dlfi_code_3");
        	String text4 = m_adapter.replaceLiteral(ML_APP, "dlfi_code_4");
        	String text5 = m_adapter.replaceLiteral(ML_APP, "dlfi_code_5");
        	String text6 = m_adapter.replaceLiteral(ML_APP, "dlfi_code_6");
        	String text7 = m_adapter.replaceLiteral(ML_APP, "dlfi_code_7");
        	String text8 = m_adapter.replaceLiteral(ML_APP, "dlfi_code_8");
        	String text9 = m_adapter.replaceLiteral(ML_APP, "dlfi_code_9");
        	String text10 = m_adapter.replaceLiteral(ML_APP, "dlfi_code_10");
            if (m_fieldDatatype != null && 
                return new ValidValueLine[]
                      new ValidValueLine(text2, text3),
                      new ValidValueLine(text4, text5)
            if (m_fieldDatatype != null && 
                return new ValidValueLine[]
                      new ValidValueLine(text2, text7),
                      new ValidValueLine(text8, text9)
            throw new Error(text10);
  6. Select the XML tab and change the existing macro as follows:

    <coltable0 width="$width$">
            <label name="$name$" width="100%" asplaintext="true">
            <field valueprop="$valueprop$.fieldValue" popupmethod="openIdValueCombo" popupprop="$valueprop$.hasPopupHelp" width="100%">
  7. Add the used properties to the Protocol Extension tab so that it looks as follows.

    Protocol extension

    The properties $valueprop$, $valueprop$.fieldValue and $valueprop$.hasPopupHelp will be included in the access path of the layout.

    You can specify whether a property is to be shown within the Code Assistant of the Layout Painter. Select only the properties that must be provided by the adapter itself (in this example, this is property $valueprop$). Do not select the properties that are provided by the control representative. This class is written once and used multiple times within your adapters.

    The property $valueprop$.fieldDatatype is used to pass the value of the attribute datatype from the control to the class DLFIELDInfo. The value is set once when the page is loaded. With this, the DLFIELDInfo class determines whether pop-up help is available and computes the list of valid values for the pop-up help.

  8. Save your changes.

  9. Have a look at the generated XML file (editor_test.xml). It should now look as follows:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    Dynamic extension of editor.xml file.
      * DATATYPEs
      <!-- TEST:DLFDATATYPE -->
      <datatype name="test:dlfdatatype">
        <value id="default" name="Default Value."/>
        <value id="language" name="DLFIELD with Language Code."/>
        <value id="country" name="DLFIELD with Country Code."/>
      * TAGs
      <!-- TEST:DLFIELD -->
      <tag name="test:dlfield">
        <attribute name="name"/>
        <attribute name="width" datatype="width"/>
        <attribute name="valueprop" datatype="property"/>
        <attribute name="datatype" datatype="test:dlfdatatype"/>
            <coltable0 width="$width$">
            <label name="$name$" width="100%" asplaintext="true">
            <field valueprop="$valueprop$.fieldValue" popupmethod="openIdValueCombo" popupprop="$valueprop$.hasPopupHelp" width="100%">
            <addproperty name="$valueprop$" datatype="DLFIELDInfo" useincodegenerator="true"/>
            <addproperty name="$valueprop$.fieldValue" datatype="String"/>
            <addproperty name="$valueprop$.hasPopupHelp" datatype="boolean"/>
            <addproperty name="$valueprop$.fieldDatatype" datatype="String" presetvalue="$datatype$"/>
      <tagsubnodeextension control="itr" newsubnode="test:dlfield"/>
      <tagsubnodeextension control="tr" newsubnode="test:dlfield"/>
      <taggroupsubnodeextension group="MyControls" newsubnode="test:dlfield"/>

    The control is now ready for use. The Layout Painter will offer the control for the containers ITR and TR.

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Additional Information

If you are working with NaturalONE, see the macro control examples of the njxdemos.

If you have also installed the standalone version of Natural for Ajax, you can find the sources of the above described DLFIELD example in the cisdemos:

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