Version 8.0 (2010-08-18)
 —  Development Workplace  —

About Composing Controls, Tag Handlers and XML Macros

When do you need your own controls? In general, there are two cases:

In early releases, every control consisted of the control definition (XML file) and its corresponding tag handler (Java class). In the case of a composing control, the handler class typically consists of a simple sequence of calls to the inner tag handler classes. Have a look at the source of ADDRESSROWAREAHandler (in the directory <your-webapplication>/cisdemos/src/com/softwareag/cis/demolibrary). Now you do not need to provide for such a tag handler class anymore; you can now express the inner structure directly in the XML file. We call such a control an "XML macro". However, when you create new controls, you still have to provide for a corresponding tag handler in order to generate your own HTML/JavaScript code.

For short, there are two ways to build your own controls:

The Control Editor supports both ways.

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