Property | Description |
Condition | Conditions are used to specify when the policy has to be executed. You can add multiple conditions with logical operators. Available values are: AND. API Gateway executes this policy when all the configured conditions comply in the respective policy stage OR. This is selected by default. API Gateway executes this policy when any one of the configured conditions complies. Click Add Condition and provide the following information and click Add. Variable. Specifies the variable type with a syntax. Operator. Specifies the operator to use to relate variable and the value. You can select one of the following: Equals Equals ignore case Not equals Not equals ignore case Contains Exists Range Greater Than Less Than Value. Specifies a plain value or value with a syntax. For details about the variables available in API Gateway, see
Variables Available in API Gateway. |
Property | Description |
Function Name | Provide the AWS Lambda function name you want to invoke. As this property supports variable framework, you can use the available variables. For details about the variables available in API Gateway, see
Variables Available in API Gateway. |
Invocation Type | Specify the AWS invocation type, asynchronous or synchronous. Available options are: RequestResponse (synchronous type) Event (asynchronous type) |
AWS Alias | Provide the AWS alias configured for the AWS account. |
Client Configuration | Provide the following client configuration details and click . Name. Start typing the client property name and select the required property from the type-ahead search results displayed. API Gateway supports the following properties that you can configure: Socket timeout(ms), Connection timeout(ms), Request timeout(ms), Connection expiration timeout(ms), Maximum Connection idle time(ms), Client execution timeout(ms), Server error retry count, Enable throttle retries, Maximum client retry count, TCP send buffer size hints, TCP receive buffer size hints, Enable gzip requests, Enable Expect-Continue, Enable host prefix injection, Enable Keep-alive, Enable, Response metadata caching, Response metadata cache size, and Signature Algorithm. Value. Provide a value for the client property specified. You can configure multiple properties. For details about the supported client properties, see the following AWS documents: |