Update API Definition and Policies
The API created after you APIfy a microservice, may need updates to the API definition and API policies (if any). You can update the API definition with the OpenAPI, Swagger, or RAML files.
To update the API definition and policies
1. Click APIs in the title navigation bar.
Alternatively, you can navigate to the API details page using the API link in the Microgateway sidecar section of the service details page.
2. Select an API from the list of APIs.
3. Click and select Update. The Update API window appears.
4. Update the API definition in one of the following ways:
By importing the API definition from a file.
By importing the API definition from a URL.
For more information about how to update APIs, see
Updating APIs.
5. Click Update.
The updated API definition must match the API implemented by the microservices. The REST resources and the available REST operations are enforced by the injected Microgateway.
Service requests against undefined resources or operations are rejected.