Configuring Events for Database Destination
Before you begin
For preparing the database connection, ensure that you have:
Installed Database Components Configurator with
API Gateway database scripts. For details, see
Create Database Components Using Database Component Configurator section in
Installing Software AG Products Guide.
Started Database Components Configurator and created tables for the component,
APIGatewayEvents. For details, see
Create Database Components, Database User, and Storage section in
Installing Software AG Products Guide.
Created database connection pools in the Integration Server UI. For details, see
Creating a connection pool section in
webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide.
API Gateway functional alias to the database connection pool in the Integration Server UI. For details, see
Pointing functions at Connection pools section in
webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide.
You have to configure the database destination so that the events, performance metrics, and audit log data can be published to the configured database.
API Gateway supports the following databases:
SQL Server
To configure events for Database destination
1. Expand the menu options icon , in the title bar, and select Administration. 2. Select Destinations.
3. Select Database to configure the event types for this destination.
4. In Event types, select the type of events that you want API Gateway to publish to the database.
The available event types are:
Error: Occurs each time an API invocation results in an error.
Lifecycle: Occurs each time
API Gateway is started or shut down.
Policy violation: Occurs each time an API invocation violates the policy enforcement that was set for the API.
5. Select Report performance data to publish performance metrics data.
6. In the Publish interval box, provide a time interval (in minutes) to specify how often API Gateway must publish performance metrics. Provide a value from 1 through 60. The default is 60 minutes.
7. In the Audit log data section, select the required management area for which the audit logs should be recorded in the Database destination.
Audit logs provide a record of system transactions, events, and occurrences in API Gateway. You can configure audit logging to show the following events:
API management Approval management Application management Alias management Team management Analytics management Group management Policy management Package management Plan management Promotion management User management Note:
By default, audit logging is disabled for all the mentioned management areas in the Database destination.
8. Click Save.
After performing the database configurations, select Database as a Destination in the Policy Properties page for each policy, to receive the transaction event logs for the assigned policies.