API Gateway 10.7 | Using API Gateway | API Gateway Analytics | Analytics Dashboards | API Gateway Dashboard | Kibana Limitations
Kibana Limitations
*When using the Analytics dashboard, applying a Filter and subsequently refreshing the page or opening the link in a new browser does not preserve the filter, resulting in the absence of filter and results are not displayed.
*API Gateway Versions earlier than 10.11 encounter problems when running queries, resulting in a pop-up message displaying "Your query is taking a while." Version 10.11 and above address this concern, incorporating an upgraded Kibana version 7.10.
*Within the runtime events section, you have the option to improve an event's visibility by selecting "Toggle column in table." This choice leads to the inclusion of the chosen field in the runtime events column, rendering is visible. It is crucial to recognize that this customization is fleeting and will reset after a server restart, causing the field to no longer appear.